Trwa ładowanie...

Michael Kitchen

Najnowsze informacje
(6 głosów)
Miejsce urodzenia:

Leicester, Leicestershire , Wielka Brytania


Vaterland - Tajemnica III Rzeszy (1994) (Max Jaeger)

Wydział Rosja (1990) (Clive)

Dowód życia (2000)

Browning Version, The (1985) (Frank Hunter)

Reporters, The (1972)

Web, The (1973)

Once the Killing Starts (1974) (George Newton)

Lunatyk (1976) (Ian)

Divorce: Linda, A (1976)

Brimstone and Treacle (1976) (Martin)

Król Lir (1982) (Edmund)

Freud (1984)

Ball-Trap on the Cote Sauvage (1989) (Smiley Face)

Crossing to Freedom (1990) (Maj. Diessen)

Dandelion Dead (1993) (Major Herbert Rowse Armstrong)

Zakładnik / Hostage (1994) (1994) (Fredericks)

To Play the King (1994) (The King)

Dirty Old Town (1995) (Jeremy Swain)

Porwany (1995) (Reid)

Reckless (1997) (Richard Crane)

Sista kontraktet (1998) (John Gales)

Reckless: The Movie (1998) (Richard Crane)

Railway Children, The (2000) (Ojciec)

New Year's Day (2001) (Robin)

Alibi (2003) (Greg Brentwood)

Second Sight: Parasomnia (2000) (Bruce Roddam)

Świat to za mało (1999) (Bill Tanner)

Mój tydzień z Marilyn (2011) (Hugh Perceval)

Unman, Wittering and Zigo (1971) (Bungabine)

Dracula A.D. 1972 (1972) (Greg)

Brontes of Haworth, The (1973) (Branwell Bronte)

Śmierć nadejdzie jutro (2002) (Bill Tanner)

Savages (1975)

Imp of the Perverse, The (1975)

What Big Eyes (1976) (Bob Curry)

House Full of Men, A (1977) (Maurice Rossiter)

School Play (1979)

Caught on a Train (1980) (Peter)

Comedy of Errors, The (1983) (The Antipholi)

Love Song (1985) (William Hatchard)

Dykket (1989) (Bricks)

Guilty, The (1993) (Steven Vey)

Wilderness (1996) (Luther Adams)

Royal Scandal, A (1996) (Lord Malmesbury)

Dalziel and Pascoe: Bones and Silence (1998) (Philip Swain)

Lorna Doone (2000) (Judge Jeffreys)

Foyle's War (2002) (Christopher Foyle)

Trial, The (1993) (Block)

Bunkier (1981) (Rochus Misch)

Goldeneye (1995) (Bill Tanner)

Enchanted April (1992) (George Briggs)

Pożegnanie z Afryką (1985) (Berkeley Cole)

Secret World of Michael Fry, The () (Herbie)

The Hanging Gale () (Townsend)

Pani Dalloway (1997) (Peter Walsh)

Always and Everyone () (Jack Turner)

Przeklęty los (1990) (Mr. Quinton)

War That Never Ends, The (1991) (Athenian Representative)

Breaking Glass (1980) (Lamer)

Doomsday Gun (1994) (Chris Cowley)

Oliver Twist (1999) (1999) (Mr Brownlow)



Trwa ładowanie